Absconding member of National Assembly Mohsin Dawar has been arrested from an area of North Waziristan on Thursday, sources told ARY News on Thursday. As per details, the leader of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), who had fled the scene after inciting his party workers to launch an attack on an army check-post last week, was apprehended today by security forces from an unidentified area of N. Waziristan, sources said. The MNA along with eight others have been nominated in the FIR of the attack. Related PTM leader, supporters attack military check post in Miranshah According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), five army soldiers were wounded in firing opened by a group of PTM while attacking Khar Kamar check post in North Waziristan on May 26. The attackers came with a motive to release some suspected terrorists, however, three attackers were killed and 10 sustained injuries in the exchange of fire, the military’s media wing had said. The group of attackers were led by PT...